We thank you for visiting Manomay Life Sciences. The privacy policy applies to all pages on the website.
- We collect personally identifiable information only on client’s request.
- There are proper security channels to keep the health information confidential and safe.
- Any visit on the company’s website is automatically recorded by the software.
- No information is given, sold or transferred to anybody and is only shared if required by law.
Traffic Data Collection
Manomay Life Sciences understands how sensitive and important health information is. All the queries and information received on the website is kept safe and the information is stored only till the query of the patient is unsolved. Mentioned below is the information that is stored on company’s data storage system.
- Name of the domain you use to access
- Date and time of your visit
- Pages you visited
- Address of the website you came from when you came to visit
The mentioned information is available only to web managers and other designated staff who require this information to perform their duties. It is retained only for as long as needed for proper analysis.
Personal Information Collected
To access certain features on Website, you are required to provide information that helps in personally identifying you. Such information is referred to as Personal information and it includes the following components: (1) Contact Data (such as your e-mail address, phone number and Manomay Life Sciences password) (2) Demographic Data (such as your gender, your date of birth and your zip code). Communication through an e-mail or letter is also considered to be part of Personal Information.
To add to your ease and save you from entering the password every time you visit the website we use cookies. Cookies are small computer files containing information such as user ID, user preferences, lists of pages visited and activities conducted while browsing the Website. Also our business partners use the same cookies to provide us with anonymous data and information relating to the usefulness of our Website.
Choice to opt out
Personal information is not directly linked to the information stored in cookies on the website. There is an option available to block cookies or delete cookies from your hard drive. But doing so might result in you not being able to access many features on the website.
Public Forums
At Manomay Life Sciences, you get a chance to interact with people as the website provides chat rooms and discussion forums. Though the conversation can only be viewed by registered members, but the information is made public and a client has to be cautious while sharing entire personal details. Forums and chat rooms are monitored by a team of professionals thus there are minimum chances of any risk arising.